
Trees are a giant plant with logs, leaves, stems, and roots. You can see trees on land. Trees can have no leaves when its winter, orange leaves in fall, red leaves in fall, yellow leaves in fall, pink leaves in spring, and green leaves in summer. There is many kinds of trees for example the pine tree.

Trees first apeared about 350-420 million years ago.

The reason why trees are important is because the improve soil and water conservation. They also help provide shade so we dont get hot on hot days.The tree also helps increase wildlife habitat and improve the land’s capacity to adapt. Also the tree benifits forests by it being there.

Pine tree

I'm honestly curious if CA has ever seen a pine tree : r/totalwar

Birch tree

Betula pendula - Wikipedia

Maple tree

Willow tree

Magnolia tree


The reason why some trees lose thier leaves in winter is because is to conserve resources.

The reason why leaves change color in fall is because the chlorophyll slows and then stops and eventually all the chlorophyll is destroyed making the leave change color.

The difference between pine trees and a tree with leaves needles are attached to pine trees in clusters.

The place where the Coniferous trees grow is in the top of North America, Europe, and Asia the climent there is 50° to 60°N.

The Decidous tree grows between the polar regions and the tropics the climite there is between -30°C -22°F.