Deep sea creatures

The way people discoverd the deap sea is when diving in the bathysphere.

The time people discovered the deap sea was in 1930.

Great white shark. The great white shark is the deadliest shark. The reason why the graet white shark is the deadlist shark is because it has one of the highest bite forces of any living animal. 3 things great white sharks eat is fish, rays, and crustaceans.

Great White Shark Conservation: What Most People Don't Know

Dolphins. Dolphins are mammals and a lot of people mistake it for a fish. Dolphins can also kill sharks because they know where to hit a shark for example the gills. The way dolphins hit the shark is with thier snouts.

Dolphin | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants

Megamouth shark. The megamouth shark can weights up to 2,700 pounds. The megamouth shark is the smallest of three species of filter feeding sharks. Megamouth shark are not aggressive. The megamouth shark lives in the indian ocean, pacific ocean, and atlantic ocean.

Meet The Megamouth Shark, A Giant Sea Doofus | by Mariam Sharia | OMGFacts  | Medium

Goblin shark. Goblin sharks are not harmful. Goblin sharks do lay eggs.

Goblin Shark - The Australian Museum

Giant squid. Giant squids are very deadly because of thier tentacles. The reason why the giant squid’s tentacles are so deadly is because of the spikes on them. The only predator of the giant squid is the sperm whale.

Japan divers capture rare footage of live giant squid | AFP - YouTube

Angler fish. Angler fish eat small fish, shrimp, like the mantis shrimp, small squid, turtle and sometimes sea birds. Angler fish are extremely rare.

What Is an Anglerfish? • Earthpedia •

Vampire squid. Vampire squids are not harmful to people. The way the vampire squid eats is with its tentacles it hangs one out looking for food falling from the surface.

The Vampire Squid from Hell | Smithsonian Ocean

Japanese spider crab. Japanese spider crabs are harmless to humans. The japanese spider crab is the biggest crab in the world. Japanese spider crab is also has the longest lifespan it can live up to 100 years old.

Colossal squid. The colossal squid is shorter than the giant squid. If the giant squid and the colossal squid were to get in a fight the colossal squid would most likely win. 1 animal that can defeat the colossal squid is sperm whales.

Colossal Squid - Untamed Science

Tiger shark. Tiger sharks one of the 3 main shark species to attack humans. the only predators that attack this shark is humans and killer whales. The lifespan of a tiger shark is 30 + years.

Tiger Shark, Galeocerdo cuvier (Péron & Lesueur, 1822) - The Australian  Museum